The BRS working president, KT Rama Rao, praised Telangana’s model of governance and said that people across the country were looking up to it. He congratulated party members on the opening of a new BRS office in Delhi by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. The party aims to make a strong impact on national politics. The Chief Minister’s “Ab ki Baar Kisan Sarkar” slogan was gaining popularity. KTR called on party members to work hard for this campaign to become a reality.
KTR said that KCR’s leadership was being praised across the country, and the emergence of BRS at the national level was a historic necessity. It was a matter of pride for the party and for Telangana. BRS was established for the Telangana movement, and now it has stepped into Delhi to ensure victory for the people who have been deceived by successive governments for decades.