Residents in Hyderabad’s Nampally circle are facing severe waterlogging during heavy rains. Areas like Nampally, Mallepally, Aghapura, and Begum Bazar have a high risk of flooding this monsoon if pending works are not completed immediately. The lack of concern from officials has caused misery for residents who have been suffering damage to their homes and belongings due to severe waterlogging. Despite claims of taking up civic works, such as laying new stormwater drain networks and upgrading box drains, there has been no relief during recent rains.
These areas have been identified as low-lying areas, causing houses to flood, basements to inundate, and vehicles to get submerged under rainwater, resulting in extensive damage. Streets remain under knee-deep water, making life unbearable for residents. Last year’s rains resulted in social media memes of a man swimming on the roads in Mallepally. Despite claims of improvements, residents are still facing similar problems.
The GHMC is facing criticism for their failure to implement a monsoon action plan. A resident complained that officials have taken no steps to prevent water inundation. The water in these areas comes from Banjara Hills and Mehdipatnam, causing major nalas to overflow with dirty water gushing out of manholes. Nalas such as Habeeb Nagar Nala and Aghapura Nala would flood, causing nearby areas to face inundation.