Top wrestlers in India claimed that police manhandled and assaulted them at Jantar Mantar on Wednesday night. The incident occurred when the wrestlers tried to bring bedding to the protest location. Sakshi Malik, a bronze medalist from Rio Olympics, broke down in tears over the dispute with the police. Vinesh Phogat was also captured on video shouting with the officials. Vinesh alleged that her brother was abused by an intoxicated police officer and that she and Sangeeta Phogat were shoved by a different police officer.
Olympic medalist from Tokyo, Bajrang Punia, said that the streets were damp because of the rain, and they were transporting a bed to the protest site for that reason. The wrestlers claimed that they were mistreated by the police, who did not appreciate daughters in this way. However, Delhi police officials denied any assault on either side.
In another incident, the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) president Brij Bhushan Singh has been accused of sexual assault, which has led to a protest in the country’s capital.