The BRS central office in Delhi has opened with a grand ceremony attended by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao (KCR). KCR performed pooja programs at the BRS Bhavan, along with Minister Vemula Prashanth Reddy, MP Santhosh Kumar, and MP Venkatesh. The party chief and CM KCR will inaugurate the party office later in the day.
To attend the program, CM KCR flew to Delhi in a special flight from Hyderabad. Other ministers, MLAs, and public representatives have also arrived in the national capital. On September 2, 2021, CM KCR performed Bhoomi Puja for the construction of BRS office in Delhi’s Vasant Vihar.
The BRS office is built over an area of 11,000 square feet with four floors. The lower ground floor has a media hall and servant quarters. On the ground floor, there is a canteen, reception lobby, and four chief secretaries’ chambers. BRS national president KCR’s chamber is on the first floor along with other chambers and conference halls. The second and third floors have a total of 20 rooms, including the party president suite, working president suite, and 18 other rooms.
Overall, the opening of the BRS central office in Delhi marks an important milestone for the party.