Flipkart has opened a new fulfillment center in Sanga Reddy, and KT Rama Rao, the State Industries & Commerce Minister, attended the launch ceremony. He emphasized the need for socially responsible behavior from the private sector and stated that there should be no place for sweatshops in Telangana. The minister virtually inaugurated the center in the presence of other officials, including the Group CEO of Flipkart, Kalyan Krishnamurthy. He also requested Flipkart to provide good facilities for their employees, particularly women employees.
KTR highlighted the importance of creating a two-way street where the private sector provides equitable opportunities to workers as companies grow. He also mentioned the government’s efforts to ensure quality and compliance standards in terms of infrastructure, work hours, wages, and day-to-day needs. The minister urged the private sector to flourish in the state while being socially responsible and make Telangana a leader in gig economy, gig jobs, and e-commerce.