Civil Supplies Minister Gangula Kamalakar inspected the crops damaged by recent untimely rains in Karimnagar district on Tuesday. He said that the rainfall was unprecedented in the history of 100 years, and measures would be taken to compensate farmers for each acre of lost crops. This year, for the first time, 100% of planted crops were lost due to the rain. The government will ensure speedy purchase of grains and compensate those who lost crops in the field without coming to the purchase centre.
The Chief Minister has announced Rs 10,000 per acre compensation for those who lost crops due to untimely rain. Wet grain will be bought and sent to boiled rice mills if it is dried. The government asked FCI to relax the moisture content from 17 to 20, as the grain is not drying quickly due to consecutive rains. District Collectors have been instructed to send wet grain to places where boiled rice mills need it.
The government has opened 5,000 purchase centres across the state and has already purchased about 7.51 lakh metric tons of grain. The Minister inspected the crops damaged by untimely rains in the villages of Bommakal, Durshed, and Gopalpur in Karimnagar rural mandal. He appealed to farmers not to lose heart and assured them that the government’s goal is to support them.