The city of Hyderabad is opening specialist Mother and Child Hospitals (MCHs) with 200 beds each to help pregnant women. The MCHs will be at Gandhi Hospital, NIMS, and proposed TIMS at Alwal. The MCH at Gandhi Hospital is almost finished and should open next month. The expansion of NIMS will give it 2,000 more beds, bringing the total to 3,700. The new NIMS structure will have eight floors and a super specialty MCH. The government is also building 1,000-bed TIMS hospitals around Hyderabad. The State Organ Transplant Centre and the government fertility centre are being set up in Gandhi Hospital. Health Minister T Harish Rao directed officials to expedite all necessary arrangements.
The minister suggested the superintendent take steps to improve transplant surgeries and called for the efficient use of vaccines available in PHC, Basti Dawakhana, and CHC. He also ordered the recruitment of 5,204 staff nurses through an online process. Rao recommended visiting all departments of hospitals for two hours every day to solve problems. “Serving people is a rare opportunity; everyone should work responsibly and bring a good name to the government,” he said.