The Chief Minister of Telangana, KCR, opened a new building called the Dr. BR Ambedkar Secretariat in Hyderabad. It was built by Shapoorji Pallonji Pvt Ltd company and designed by famous architects in just 26 months. The six-floor building is state-of-the-art and covers 28 acres of land. It has 635 rooms and is the first state secretariat named after Dr. B R Ambedkar. There are four entrances, with the east gate reserved for the CM and other officials, and the others for visitors, employees, and emergencies.
The Secretariat has smart card entry and includes conference halls, cabins, a temple, and a mosque. Two floors on the sixth floor measuring 4500 sq ft will be used during VIP and VVIP visits, and Nizami style dining halls have also been created. The entire building cost the state government Rs 617 crore. On the sixth floor, there is a separate hall for the CM to use during Praja Darbar, and the CM’s cabin is made of pure white marble.
The Dr. BR Ambedkar Secretariat is situated where the old Secretariat used to be, and behind it is another building that houses the employees’ association office, indoor games area, and housing society office. This new Secretariat is an impressive achievement in terms of architecture, design, and construction and will be an essential center of governance for Telangana.