The Dalit Bandhu scheme has helped empower Scheduled Castes (SCs) in Khammam district by providing financial assistance to start their own businesses. In the first phase of the scheme, 3,945 people received a total of Rs 394.5 crore. The beneficiaries were able to choose from a list of 86 different units, depending on their skills and experience. The scheme has been implemented in Chintakani mandal, where 3,462 Dalit families received Rs 10 lakh each. The government provided drones to farmers for spraying pesticides in the field, which has led to greater yields and better incomes. Many beneficiaries have started their own businesses and are earning good incomes. All eligible persons will receive aid in a phased manner.
‘Aatma Bandhu for the Needy’: Khammam’s ‘Dalit Bandhu’ Program Changes its Name
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