The Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is making plans for a five-nation tournament if the Asia Cup 2023 is cancelled. The tournament is supposed to take place in Pakistan in September, but BCCI has said it will not send its team due to security concerns.
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) suggested a hybrid model where all Indian team matches would be held in a neutral venue, but BCCI secretary Jay Shah later opposed the proposal and said the ACC is waiting for feedback from other participating nations to finalize the venue.
If PCB remains firm on their proposal, the Asia Cup 2023 might get cancelled, and BCCI is preparing for this possibility by planning a five-nation tournament during the window vacated by the Asia Cup 2023 cancellation. However, it is not confirmed if Pakistan will be a part of that competition.
The report suggests that BCCI has already started planning for the tournament, but it remains to be seen whether it will take place. The BCCI will continue to monitor the situation and make decisions accordingly.