The new Dr. B R Ambedkar Telangana Secretariat in Hyderabad will have tight security measures in place. A bomb detection and disposal squad, anti-sabotage team, and sniffer dogs will be on duty around the clock. About 500 police personnel from different units will guard the premises. The Telangana State Special Police (TSSP) will be responsible for security, with help from the Intelligence Security Wing (ISW), City Security Wing (CSW), and local police. The TSSP’s Chief Security Officer will head the security wing.
There are multiple layers of security, with different units of the Telangana police performing various roles. The city police will take care of security in the outer peripheries, while the CSW will conduct daily anti-sabotage checks around the Secretariat and within the building. The TSSP and ISW will also perform checks. Although the TSSP currently does not have sniffer dogs or anti-sabotage teams, they will be trained and equipped in these areas.
Around 300 surveillance cameras are installed in and around the building, with 24/7 monitoring done by a team from a command and control center within the Secretariat complex. A Quick Response Team of OCTOPUS with advanced weapons will be positioned to guard the Secretariat in the City VIP zone.