The Minister of IT and Industry, KT Rama Rao, will sign a file containing guidelines for the distribution of 2-BHK houses to one lakh underprivileged people in Hyderabad. This will be his first signature after Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao and other ministers occupy their chambers in the newly constructed Secretariat. The Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation is constructing the 2BHK houses, and KTR will work from his office on the third floor of the new building.
The Telangana Secretariat Building was inaugurated by the Chief Minister earlier, and it is named after Dr BR Ambedkar. Sudarshana Yagam was performed by vedic pundits during the inauguration ceremony. Parks and recreation centers in the area will remain closed, and traffic restrictions have been imposed to avoid congestion.
On his first day, KTR will assume office in the third floor of the Secretariat and sign the crucial file related to the distribution of double bedroom houses to one lakh poor people in Hyderabad.