RenewX, a trade expo on renewable energy, began on Friday in Hyderabad. Industry experts launched a B2B engagement platform and marketplace called ReiConnect.Online during the event. The platform will bring together green energy professionals and allow them to connect, engage and generate leads. It will serve as a hub for the renewable energy industry by bringing buyers and sellers together on one centralised platform. The marketplace was launched by Y Sathish Reddy, Chairman, Telangana State Renewable Energy Development Corporation Limited; Ajay Mishra, Director General, Renewable Energy Society of India and former Spl Chief Secretary, Govt of Telangana; Bhagyathej Reddy, Director Power and Utilities of PwC; Sunil Sharma, Spl Chief Secretary of Energy Department, Govt of Telangana.
Yogesh Mudras, Managing Director, Informa Markets in India, said that RenewX this year will have thought-provoking topics that require attention and discussion like innovation and technology, the future of electric vehicles, the potential of AgriPV, Bioenergy, energy storage, and green hydrogen in transforming India’s energy landscape.