On Saturday morning, there was heavy rainfall in several areas of Hyderabad. The rainfall was reported in Rajendranagar Charminar, Saroornagar, LB Nagar, and other parts of the city. Some areas received more rainfall than others, with Himayatnagar recording the highest amount at 77.8 mm. Other areas with high amounts of rainfall include Serilingampally, Malkajgiri, Musheerabad, Shaikpet, and Nampally.
In addition to Hyderabad, there were also reports of rainfall in Secunderabad, Uppal, Asifnagar, Balanagar, Khairatabad, and other areas. The India Meteorological Department predicts that there will be more rainfall with gusty winds throughout the day on Saturday.
It is important to stay safe during heavy rainfall, especially if you are driving or walking outside. Be sure to follow any safety guidelines provided by local authorities and avoid going near flooded areas.