Yevgeny Prigozhin, the founder of Wagner, a private Russian militia, said in a video message that the group might stop existing soon. It is unclear if he was serious. Wagner is currently leading an attack in Ukraine and has been involved in conflicts in Africa. Prigozhin has complained about Russia’s conduct in the war in Ukraine, claiming his men do not have the ammunition they need and accusing top brass of betrayal. He made these comments to Russian war blogger Semyon Pegov, who posted the clip on his Telegram channel. Wagner has not responded to requests for comment.
Prigozhin has withdrawn comments earlier this week about the frontline being a joke. Last week, he expressed concern about a counter-attack by well-equipped Ukrainian troops. Wagner has sent soldiers to fight in Syria and conflicts in Africa. In January, the United States designated Wagner a transnational criminal organization for helping Russia’s military in the Ukraine war and froze its U.S. assets.