The BR Ambedkar Secretariat building is going to open in Hyderabad. The building is located next to Hussain Sagar lake in the city. It will be a new workplace for employees from Assistant Section Officer to Chief Secretary and Chief Minister. They will start working there from Monday. The move from the old office in BRKR Bhavan to the new building will be completed on Saturday.
The new office looks modern and has meeting rooms, high-speed internet, and green corridors. Every department has a plug and play facility, and they can hold mini-conferences and presentations at any time. The officials who have moved in said they are excited to work there because it is state-of-the-art.
The new office is using technology to address public grievances. It tracks every file from start to finish. The department secretaries’ chambers have intercoms that connect them directly to the CMO and Chief Secretary. There is also a system set up for messages and communication between higher officials.
The building also has a special waiting area for VIPs like MPs, MLAs, and MLCs. A manual network was established for coordination between the secretaries and VIPs during their visit. There will be a medical dispensary and café opening soon on the premises.