An ardent fan of actor Samantha Ruth Prabhu has built a temple for her in Andhra Pradesh’s Bapatla district. The temple is expected to be inaugurated on Friday, April 28, on the occasion of her 36th birthday. Sandeep, the fan who built the temple, has also gone on a pilgrimage to pray for Samantha’s recovery from the autoimmune condition Myositis. He has built the temple on the premises of his house in Bapatla district’s Tsundur village.
A banner displayed outside the temple announced that Sandeep had recently gone on a five-day pilgrimage to various religious places of worship, including Chennai, Tirupati, Kadapa, and Nagapattinam to pray for Samantha’s health. Inside the temple is a sculpture of Samantha in a saree with her hair let down.
Speaking to a Telugu news channel, a relative of Sandeep said that he had decided to build the shrine as he was inspired by her philanthropic activities in providing medical care to children. “Sandeep has been a fan of Samantha’s kindness since childhood, so he wanted to build a shrine for her in the house,” he said.
In October last year, Samantha shared on social media that she had been diagnosed with an autoimmune condition called Myositis. Myositis comprises a group of rare conditions, for which the main symptoms are weak, painful or aching muscles. In an autoimmune disease, the body’s immune system fails to tell the difference between our own cells and foreign cells, which leads the immune system to mistakenly attack normal cells.
In the past, there have been reports of fans in Tamil Nadu building shrines for various actors including Khushbu Sundar, Namitha, Hansika Motwani, and Nidhhi Agerwal.