Smita Sabharwal, an IAS officer and Special Secretary to the Chief Minister of Hyderabad, used Twitter to ask the Supreme Court and Chief Justice of India to step in and stop the release of Anand Mohan Singh. Singh was convicted of murdering Telugu Dalit IAS officer G Krishnaiah in Bihar. Sabharwal expressed her support for Krishnaiah’s family and shared a statement from the Central IAS Association, which criticized the Bihar government’s decision to release the convicts involved in the killing. The IAS Association said that releasing someone convicted of murdering a public servant on duty is a denial of justice. Krishnaiah was a Dalit civil servant who was lynched by a mob while he was on duty. Singh, who founded the now-defunct political party Bihar People’s Party (BPP), has already served 14 years in jail and was out on parole for his son’s wedding when the decision to release him was made.
The IAS Association urged the Bihar government to reconsider its decision as soon as possible. The law was amended to allow those who have completed 14 years in prison to be released, but the Association argued that reclassifying someone charged with murder to a less severe category is not appropriate in this case.