The Telangana High Court is set to announce its verdict today on the bail cancellation petition of Erra Gangireddy. The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) has filed a petition seeking the cancellation of Gangireddy’s bail in the Viveka murder case. The CBI argues that Gangireddy played a key role in plotting the murder and tampering with evidence. They also claim that he would influence witnesses if he was out on bail.
Dastagiri, another accused in the case, revealed in a statement that Gangireddy hoped to receive Rs.40 crores and ordered his accomplices to commit the murder. After the murder, Gangireddy and another accomplice erased evidence. The CBI argues that Gangireddy’s bail should be canceled based on these factors.
However, the lawyer for Gangireddy argues that the CBI has tried to cancel his bail multiple times before and failed. They claim that Gangireddy had nothing to do with the murder and there is no need to cancel his bail. The court will consider all arguments before giving its verdict on the petition today.