Kolkata Knight Riders’ Rinku Singh touched Virat Kohli’s feet after their IPL 2023 match against Royal Challengers Bangalore. KKR won the game by 21 runs and Rinku went up to Kohli and touched his feet before the former India captain hugged the youngster. Rinku has been in great form in this IPL and is one of the biggest stars of T20 cricket at the moment. He scored 18 from 10 balls as KKR posted 200/5 in 20 overs. Earlier, Kohli was awestruck by Rinku’s power-hitting following his five sixes against the defending champions. “What the youngsters are doing today is amazing to see. Look at this IPL, I couldn’t even think of doing stuff what these young guys are doing,” Kohli said.
Watch: Rinku Singh Touches Virat Kohli’s Feet as KKR Defeats RCB by 21 Runs in IPL 2033
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