Minister Jagadish Reddy held a meeting with officials at the Collectorate in Suryapet. He was worried about the slow pace of grain purchases and asked officials to speed up the process. The Minister met with officials from various departments, millers, and transport contractors. He was joined by District Collector Venkatarao, Spirajendra Prasad, and Additional Collector Mohan Rao.
The Minister was surprised to learn that only 20,000 bags had been collected so far, even though the purchase target for the Rabi season was 70,4,000 metric tonnes from the district. He criticized officials for the slow progress and directed the District Collector to appoint a special officer to oversee the procurement process. The Minister warned that action would be taken if the purchase process was not expedited.
He also questioned why only 37 out of the 72 rice mills in the district had come forward to purchase grain. The Minister stressed the need to appoint adequate porters to expedite grain purchases without compromising quality standards. He also emphasized that it was the authorities’ responsibility to educate farmers about quality.
The procurement of grain has been underway for 15 days in 213 centers. Efforts are being made to meet the purchase target before the end of the Rabi season.