Over 300 Vedic students and priests from various organizations will recite Sri Rudram on Saturday during the ongoing Ganga Pushkaralu, which began on April 22. The recitation will take place in Varanasi, along the banks of the holy river Ganga. Sri Rudram is a text that praises Rudra, a form of Lord Shiva, representing the resplendent fire of the Divine. It is a powerful mantra in the Taittiriya Samhita, which is in the Krishna Yajur Veda. After the recitation, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address the Kashi Telugu Sangamam event virtually.
The Sri Ram Tarak – Andhra Ashram will organize Stotra Parayanam, which includes Ganga, Annapurna, Kashi Vishwanath, and Kala Bhairava. The Stotra Parayanam will be telecast live for the benefit of devotees of the two Telugu States. Over 300 women in traditional attire will light diyas on the banks of River Ganga on Saturday. A screening of a film on Sri Kashi Vishwanath Corridor and the development of Varanasi in 2014 will also take place.
Renowned spiritual teacher Samaveda Shanmukh Sarma will recite a pravachanam, followed by Prime Minister Modi’s address to the gathering. An oath on Panch Pran will be performed, and all priests and ashram organizers linked to Telugu States will be felicitated by Sri Kashi Telugu Samiti. The 12-day fest has been organized by the Uttar Pradesh State Tourism department to accommodate over one lakh Telugu pilgrims who are descending on Varanasi.