The Telangana government will build four sewage treatment plants to prevent sewage water from entering the Himayatsagar and Osmansagar reservoirs. The plants will have a capacity of 20 million litres per day and will cost Rs 82.23 crore. The government has also removed restrictions on polluting industries, hotels, residential areas and other establishments within 10 kilometres of the reservoirs. However, the government has imposed conditions to ensure that the water quality of the reservoirs is not affected. The government has engaged the services of M/s. NCPE Infrastructure India (P) Limited, Hyderabad to develop a comprehensive plan to eliminate sewage pollution to the reservoirs. The plan includes the construction of two sewage treatment plants for each reservoir with associated components of an interception weir, conveying main I&D. The total cost of the plants is Rs 39.21 and Rs 43.02 crores, respectively.
State Government Plans to Construct Four STPs near Twin Reservoirs in Hyderabad
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