Bandi Sanjay, the State BJP leader, has accused the KCR government of fooling 30 lakh unemployed youth over the past nine years. He launched the second phase of Nirudyoga March with thousands of BJP activists from TTD Kalayana Mandapam to Clock Tower in Mahabbanagar, where he attacked the Chief Minister for not fulfilling his promise of providing 1.90 lakh jobs to the unemployed youth.
Sanjay stated that KCR had promised in the full glare of Assembly that he would fill 1.90 lakh jobs in Telangana and release notifications for more than 80,000 jobs. However, to date, not a single post has been filled by the Chief Minister. He added that educated youth were roaming on the roads begging for livelihood, and many had even committed suicides as they could not achieve their aspirations after the formation of the new State of Telangana.
Sanjay also brought up the recent TSPSC paper leakage as evidence of how the government is leaking exam papers and selling jobs for money. The BJP party has decided to fight against this corrupt government until each and every unemployed youth gets justice. The State BJP chief is determined to take up the fight on behalf of the youth and unemployed until each and every unemployed person gets Rs. 1 lakh as compensation for the failure of the BRS government in paper leakage.
Sanjay demanded that KTR, the Cabinet minister, must resign from his ministerial post and that all TSPSC exams that were cancelled must be re-conducted only under the supervision of a new TSPSC board and not under the existing tainted members.
Sanjay also noted that KCR had given just 2 gunta land for Nallapochamma temple in the new secretariat building as against 5 gunta land to the Muslim mask. He added that if BJP comes to power, he vows to renovate the new secretariat building and change its shape to resemble the Telangana culture and past traditional glory of the Telangana people.
BJP national vice president D.K Aruna, former MP A.P. Jitender Reddy, and other senior BJP leaders took part in the march.