Hyderabad will host the Food Conclave on April 29. The event is hosted by the government of Telangana and aims to accelerate growth in the agri-food sector in India. The country has a population of about 1.4 billion people and has the potential to become a global food bowl, providing food for its own people and the rest of the world.
The Food Conclave will bring together top industry leaders, academic experts, and food producer organisations (FPOs) in the Indian agri-food sector. The event’s theme is “Envisioning India’s Decade in the Agri-Food Sector”. The forum will identify growth opportunities and exchange ideas and solutions that will drive innovation and progress in the agri-food sector.
The event’s focus is on accelerating growth in the agri-food sector in India. The forum aims to identify growth opportunities and exchange ideas and solutions that will drive innovation and progress in the agri-food sector. The Food Conclave is an exclusive annual event hosted by the government of Telangana.