The Indian Meteorological Department in Hyderabad has issued a yellow alert for rainfall until April 27 in six zones of the city. These zones include Charminar, Khairatabad, Kukatpally, LB Nagar, Secunderabad, and Serilingampally. The IMD predicts a cloudy sky with light to moderate rainfall or thundershowers in the evening or nighttime. The maximum temperature is expected to be between 36 to 40 degrees Celsius.
The Telangana State Development Planning Society has also predicted light rainfall or thundershowers at isolated places in the evening/night for the next three days. It is important to note that the yellow alert is only for Hyderabad and not for the entire state of Telangana. Other parts of the state may experience temperatures up to 42 degrees Celsius, so it’s important to stay indoors and drink plenty of water.
Residents are advised to take necessary precautions and plan their travel accordingly based on the predictions made by both IMD Hyderabad and TSDPS.