Former Vice-President of India, M Venkaiah Naidu gave the Civil Service Excellence Award to NVS Reddy, Managing Director of Hyderabad Metro Rail Limited (HMRL) on Sunday. The award was organised by 21st Century IAS Academy to celebrate Civil Service Day. NVS Reddy was honoured for his innovations and contributions to public service over the past forty years.
NVS Reddy spoke about the many obstacles he faced while building the world’s largest metro rail project in PPP mode. He faced agitations, court cases, a Goebbels campaign by vested interests against the project, and delays in granting permissions by different government agencies. Religious organisations and project opponents even burnt his effigy on several occasions, but he never gave up on his goals.
He advised young civil service aspirants to work hard with sincerity, self-confidence, and perseverance, and to aim high and achieve their targets. Civil service is a rare opportunity for anyone to serve the nation.