State BJP chief Bandi Sanjay Kumar spoke at the ‘Vijaya Sankalp Sabha’ at Chevella and asked people in Telangana to give the party a chance to come to power. He criticized the current BRS government for allowing the state to go bankrupt and promised that the BJP would provide free education, medical services, and improve conditions for farmers and workers. He urged people to support the party to end corruption and establish better governance in Telangana.
Former MP Konda Vishweshwar Reddy and State general secretary Gujjala Premender Reddy also criticized the current government, calling it corrupt and dictatorial. Party Rangareddy district president Bokka Narshimha Reddy said the ‘Vijay Sankalp Sabha’ was successful and would have a positive impact on the party in upcoming elections.
Union Home Minister Amit Shah also attended the meeting and held a closed-door meeting with senior party leaders to discuss the current political situation in the state. Dr. Laxman, BJP national OBC Morcha president, said that Shah’s visit would boost the party’s chances of forming government in Telangana after Assembly elections. The police made elaborate security arrangements at the airport and the meeting location.