The 890th birth anniversary of Basaveswara was celebrated in Mahabubanagar district on Sunday. The event took place at the Green Belt in Padmavathi colony. Excise and Prohibition Minister Dr V Srinivas Goud garlanded the statue of Basaveshwara and spoke about the philosopher’s contributions to society.
Basaveshwara was a 12th-century CE Indian statesman, philosopher, poet, and social reformer in the Shiva-focussed bhakti movement. He spread social awareness through his poetry, which is popularly known as Vachanaas. Basaveshwara rejected gender or social discrimination, superstitions, and rituals.
The Excise minister emphasized that Basaveshwara’s teachings are still relevant today. He urged people to follow the footsteps shown by the great philosopher. The minister explained that Basaveshwara worked hard to bring about social change and preached equality among men and women. He was against violence, superstitions, and rituals.
The minister also spoke to the youth about the importance of following the teachings of Basaweshwara. He encouraged them to reject superstitious beliefs and unnecessary violence. By doing so, they can help to make society a more equal and just place.