Unseasonal rains have caused damage to many places in Telangana, including Choppadandi and Karimnagar rural mandals. Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao has asked Chief Secretary A Santhi Kumari to assess the damage caused by the rains, and to speak to District Collectors about the crop damage suffered by farmers. Reports will be prepared for further action.
Since Friday night, unseasonal rains accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds have affected several areas in the state. On Saturday evening, heavy damage was caused to standing crops and harvest kept for drying in several mandals. Paddy that farmers kept at IKP center was dampened by the untimely rains and hailstones. Thunder and lightning, and heavy rain at once caused the harvested paddy to get wet in the purchase center. Even the paddy crop which has reached the harvesting stage was damaged.
State Planning Commission Vice Chairman B Vinod Kumar expressed worry about untimely heavy rain with hail in Choppadandi area. He advised the Collector to give a report on crop and other losses immediately and assured that the government will help the farmers in all ways. He wanted the farmers and people to take proper precautions as weather department officials are saying that untimely rains will continue for a few more days. Once the Collector’s report is given, the government will provide all kinds of support, he said.