The Kalayana Brahmotsavam of Bhadrakali Devi and Bhadreshwara Swamy took place at the Bhadrakali Temple in Warangal on Saturday. The ceremony began at 4 am with nityahnikam performed by priests. Around 5 lakh people visited the temple to take part in the event. Chief Whip D Vinay Bhaskar took part in the Brahmotsavam by lighting a lamp at the temple. On the first day, the priests performed many rituals and ceremonies, including Ganapathi puja, Subrahmanya Swamy Seva and more. The temple management ensured that all facilities were available for devotees, and even hired artists to spruce up the presiding deity. Many dignitaries, including Rajya Sabha member Vaddiraj Ravichandra and Commissioner of Police A V Ranganath, also participated in the event.
The second day of the Brahmotsavam will include Dwajarohanam, Vrishabha Vahana seva, and Mruga Vahana Seva. The first phase of Kalayana Mahotsavam (Edurukollu) of Bhadrakali Devi and Bhadreshwara Swamy will be organised on April 24, and Kalyanam will be held on April 25. The celebrations will conclude on May 3 with the Chakra Tirthostavam, Kumbhabhishekam and Pushpa Yagam.