Naatu Naatu, an Indian song from the movie RRR, recently won an Oscar for Best Original Song, making it the first Indian and Asian song to receive the award. Union Home Minister Amit Shah will meet with the team behind the award-winning song in Hyderabad on April 23. The meeting will take place at the Novotel Hotel near Rajiv Gandhi International Airport and will include director S.S. Rajamouli, music director M.M. Keeravani, lyricist Chandrabose, singers Rahul Sipligunj and Kaala Bhairava, choreographer Prem Rakshith, and actors Junior NTR and Ram Charan.
Amit Shah has previously met with Ram Charan and Junior NTR, and reportedly requested this meeting after liking their performances in RRR. He is scheduled to meet with the RRR team upon his arrival at Rajiv Gandhi Airport before heading to Chevella for a public meeting later that evening. The BJP is preparing for Assembly elections in Telangana later this year and is looking to expand its ranks by wooing leaders from other parties, including former minister Jupally Krishna Rao and former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy. The party’s state leadership is also hoping to invite both Amit Shah and Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the state every month following Modi’s recent visit.