The government of Telangana has a program called Kanti Velugu which aims to prevent blindness in the state. Over 1.17 crore people have received eye screenings through this program, with 55,29,373 men, 62,34,558 women, and 4896 transgenders screened so far. Of these screenings, 18 lakh people have received free spectacles and medications. This has made many beneficiaries very happy, as it saves them thousands of rupees that they would have had to spend on their own.
The program has identified 18,19,113 visually impaired people who have received free spectacles and medications. Another 14,05,709 people were identified as needing prescription glasses, while 85,50,429 people were found to not have any eye problems. The Kanti Velugu program is making great strides in preventing blindness and providing assistance to those in need.