A teenage girl named Syed Nasreen Begum, who was an intermediate student, passed away in a road accident that happened on Thursday night in Langar Houz. Her father Syed Ghouse, who is a construction worker, and her younger sister Syed Nameera Begum, who is a class six student, were also injured in the accident. The trio was on their two-wheeler on their way home from Langar Houz when a truck hit them from behind. The truck driver Venkataiah was allegedly driving at high speed and lost control of the steering. The police have arrested him and registered a case against him.
Syed Nasreen Begum died on the spot, while her father and sister were rushed to nearby hospitals for treatment. The police reached the spot immediately after the accident and took the necessary steps to ensure the safety of the injured and deceased.
In another incident that took place on the same night, two people died in a road accident in Neredmet. The victims were on a motorcycle and tried to overtake a car on Sainathpuram road. Unfortunately, they collided with a TSRTC bus coming in the opposite direction, causing them to fall on the road and sustain serious head injuries. They passed away on the spot.
The Neredmet police arrived at the scene and took the bodies to Gandhi Hospital mortuary.
Overall, it is a tragic incident that highlights the importance of safe driving and following traffic rules to prevent such accidents from happening.