Indian cricket player Virat Kohli, who is known for his fitness, has revealed his mantra for staying in shape during the 2023 IPL season. Kohli, who is 34 years old, believes that “less is more” when it comes to fitness. He explained that finding the right balance of vitamins, hydration, and protein is important, and that repetition is key to success. However, Kohli also admitted that the biggest challenge he faces with his fitness journey is diet, as taste preferences can be linked to the brain.
Kohli’s fitness is important for his team, Royal Challengers Bangalore, as they take on the Punjab Kings in the ongoing IPL season. Kohli’s good form will be crucial for RCB’s fortunes in the game. The predicted RCB XI includes Kohli, Faf du Plessis, Dinesh Karthik, Glenn Maxwell, Michael Bracewell, Shahbaz Ahmed, David Willey, Karn Sharma, Harshal Patel, Akash Deep, and Mohammed Siraj. Mahipal Lomror is the predicted impact player.