The chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC), Prof. Jagadesh Kumar, has asked higher educational institutions to allow students to write their exams in local languages. This is in line with the New Education Policy-2020, which aims to promote the use of mother tongue in HEIs and increase the gross enrolment ratio to 50% by 2035. Prof. Kumar has also asked VCs to promote the translation of textbooks, reference books and study materials into local languages and use local languages in teaching.
To achieve this, VCs need to provide data on the availability of textbooks and study materials in local languages, and create discipline-wise textbooks, reference books and study materials in local languages. Additionally, universities should have faculty who can write and translate materials, and provide information on local publishers who can print such material.
Prof. Kumar has also asked VCs to clarify whether students can write exams in local languages at their universities.