In Hyderabad, a driver of a private school has been sentenced to 20 years in jail for sexually assaulting a four-year-old student. The Fast Track Special Court for Rape and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) held Beemana Rajani Kumar guilty and acquitted the school principal, who was arrested for negligence. The incident came to light after the victim’s parents noticed behavioral changes in their child.
Students and teachers at Sitaphalmandi Government High School are facing difficulties during ongoing exams due to the sudden dismantling of the school building. Students are being forced to sit on the floor to take their exams.
Major General Rakesh Manocha, SM, VSM, General Officer Commanding, Telangana and Andhra Sub Area, inaugurated the newly established Apheresis Centre at Military Hospital Secunderabad.
BRS working president KT Rama Rao has asked party leaders in the state to hold day-long meetings with party representatives and 3,000-3,500 people in all assembly constituencies on April 25.
BRS district leaders are holding ‘Atmeeya Sammelans’ for voters from their constituencies who live in the city. These voters go to their hometowns to vote during elections, and the leaders have databases of voters and beneficiaries of government schemes.