Swami Bodhamayananda spoke at an event in Warangal on Tuesday. He called for 3Hs – Head to Think, Heart to Feel, and Hands to Work for the development of society. Swami Bodhamayananda emphasized the need for creating human excellence and giving importance to human and spiritual values in the education system.
Principal, Prof. K Ashoka Reddy said that Swamiji’s ideology is relevant for the development of the country, and according to the National Education Policy (NEP-2020), education needs to produce human excellence, creating academic integrity and leadership among students. Former Rajya Sabha member Capt. V Lakshmikantha Rao and Husnabad MLA Vodithala Sateesh Kumar greeted the organizers.
The event was sponsored by alumni of the institute K Chandrasekhar Reddy, G Venkat Reddy, K RamReddy, AKSSV Ramana and I Ganesh Sai. Several people attended the event, including Event Head ME, Prof. K. Rajanarender Reddy, Dean Student Affairs Prof. V Shankar, Associate Dean Student Affairs M Narsimha Rao, Faculty incharge, Literary Club Asst. professor of ME S Ramesh, K. Kishore Kumar, and Head, Physical Sciences Dr. D. Prabhakara Chary.