MLC Tata Madhu Sudhan criticized former MP Ponguleti Srinivas Reddy for making negative comments about the BRS government and Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao. He spoke at a press conference in Khammam on Tuesday and requested that the Chief Minister order an investigation into the former MP’s alleged offenses and encroachment of government land.
Tata Madhu Sudhan claimed that the former MP’s comments were baseless and made only for personal gain. He also accused him of attempting to defeat BRS leaders in the last general elections. The MLC alleged that Ponguleti’s main follower, a former DCCB chairman, had misused funds during his tenure.
Mayor P Neeraja, SUDA Chairman Bachu Vijay Kumar, Nalamala Venkateswra Rao and other leaders were present at the press conference. MLC Madhu Sudhan stated that Ponguleti has no agenda and that his allegations are not being taken seriously by any political party. He ended by saying that the people will teach him a lesson in the upcoming elections.