Transport Minister Puvvada Ajay Kumar gave out pattas to 263 people who received double bedroom houses in Tekulapalli KCR Towers in Khammam. These houses were built in a gated community that is spread over 11 acres of land. Each house cost Rs6 lakh to build and has access to basic facilities like electricity, internal roads, drinking water, and drains. The community also includes a primary health centre and an Anganwadi centre.
The Minister shared that around 1,000 people will receive pattas in the first phase of this project. In total, over 2,000 double-bedroom houses have been constructed in Khammam constituency for a cost of Rs120 crore. Construction of another 400 houses is underway in YSR Nagar, Mallemadugu and Allipur. The Minister has inspected the construction sites over 40 times.
The Minister also inaugurated CC roads and drains that were built for a cost of Rs20 lakhs.