The Chief Minister of Telangana, K Chandrashekar Rao, was happy to announce that Telangana received 13 out of 46 National Awards given by the Gram Panchayats for various development themes, such as Greenery and Cleanliness. Telangana won awards in 8 out of 9 categories of the Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Panchayat Satat Vikas awards. In total, 46 villages received awards, with Telangana winning 30% of them, and the first four ranks out of the 13 awarded.
The Chief Minister attributed these awards to the State’s rural development activities, including Palle Pragathi, which he said has become a role model for the country. He expressed his pride in Telangana’s achievements and hopes that the State will continue to excel in such development programs.