Ananya Polsani, a high school student, has started a mobile library project called ‘Stories on Wheels’. The project aims to empower students in government schools across Telangana by providing them with access to books. Ananya got the idea for the project when she visited a small village and realized that many students do not have access to books. She acquired a used ambulance, books, sports equipment, and laptops with internet connectivity from donors to create the mobile library van.
Ananya’s mobile van will serve nearly 1,500 students with over 1,000 books. She received great support and appreciation from her relatives and friends for the initiative. The five-day book donation drive started in the city on Sunday at Fortune Towers, Madhapur, when the community residents and others donated books. Nearly 500 of them were collected as part of the drive.
The mobile van is available in different localities of Hyderabad this week. On Monday it was there in Meenakshi Trident. On Tuesday it will be at Ramky Towers, on Wednesday at Legend Chimes and on Thursday at Rajpushpa Atria. Ananya is highly satisfied with the response evoked from various sections of society in the city as part of this mobile van initiative. She said the teaching staff and management of government schools were highly helpful when she wanted to take the initiative forward.