Kadapa MP Avinash Reddy spoke to the media after his father, YS Bhaskar Reddy, was arrested for his alleged involvement in the murder of YS Vivekananda Reddy. Vivekananda Reddy was found murdered in his home in Pulivendula in March 2019, a few days before the Assembly elections. Both Bhaskar Reddy and Vivekananda Reddy are uncles of Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister YS Jagan Mohan Reddy.
Avinash alleged that the CBI had been doing “person-targeting investigation” instead of fact-based investigation. He also claimed that the CBI had downplayed crucial elements in the murder of Vivekananda Reddy and framed his father. Avinash said that he reported the incident to the police and reached the crime spot after Vivekananda’s son-in-law Rajasekar Reddy, who allegedly tried to cover up the murder.
The CBI filed an affidavit on February 22 this year, indicting both Bhaskar and Avinash. According to the CBI, Avinash and Bhaskar conspired to murder Vivekananda due to a long-running political rivalry. Avinash claimed that he is being seen as an accused even though he informed the police about the incident.
Avinash also claimed that the CBI did not focus on Vivekananda’s second marriage and notarised wills. He insinuated that Dastagiri, who has turned an approver in the case, had falsely given a statement against his father. According to Avinash, Vivekananda’s daughter Suneetha Nareddy not filing an implead petition to oppose Dastagiri’s bail is proof that the CBI and Suneetha are “working together in a specific direction.”