A hospital in Hyderabad is offering consultations with top doctors for just Rs 1, as well as affordable medicine and diagnostic tests. Nine Star Health Care in Bagh Lingampally opened this month to help those in need and provide better treatment. Another hospital, Gangaiah Gari (GG) Charitable Hospital in Ramnagar, has been providing Rs 1 consultations for a year now. Nine Star Health Care offers various departments including orthopedics, gynecology, pediatrics, general physician, general surgeon, and dermatology. They also conduct blood and urine tests, have ultrasound and X-ray units available, and charge only 50% of the fee for lab tests. After a doctor’s examination, patients receive a 50% discount on medicine purchased at the pharmacy. The hospital is open from 8 am to 10 pm, with only the outpatient ward functioning at present. An inpatient ward will be added soon. The hospital employs around 18 doctors and a few nurses who work in two shifts.
The hospital was opened by the Paidi Rakesh Reddy Foundation in an effort to provide quality treatment to everyone. Paidi Sucharitha Reddy said that they were inspired by Gangaiah Gari (GG) Charitable Hospital and wanted to offer accessible treatment to all. They charge only a token amount of Rs 1 for consultations and have set up a box for patients to drop their payment in. Patients without money can receive free treatment. The hospital also plans to provide free food to patients and their attendants, with payment optional.
Overall, this hospital has made quality healthcare more accessible to people who may not have been able to afford it otherwise. With reasonable prices and top doctors available, it is an excellent resource for the Hyderabad community.