Harish Rao, Telangana State Finance and Health Minister, recently inaugurated a new oncology block at MNJ Cancer Institute. The new block has increased the number of beds in the hospital to 750 and has been provided with a budget of Rs.60 crore. MNJ is now the second largest hospital for cancer treatment in the government sector in India.
The new block will also have a women’s wing and a pediatric wing. A library and a teacher have been set up in the pediatric wing to ensure that the education of children who come for treatment is not affected. A special ward has also been set up for bone marrow transplantation, and patients will be given free medicines for life under Arogya Shri.
Rao expressed his happiness about the new block and thanked Aurobindo Pharma for constructing such a good building and providing it to the government. He also mentioned that cancer patients will soon be given the facility to undergo chemotherapy in the districts.
Rao stated that CM KCR has strengthened the medical facilities in Telangana and expanded hospitals like Gandhi, Osmania, NIMS, and MNJ. With the expansion of four TIMS hospitals, Warangal Health City, and NIMS, 10 thousand beds of super specialty beds are being made available. The government is also giving great importance to medical education, and nine more medical colleges will be started this year.