Union Minister of Culture and Tourism G Kishan Reddy said that no other government has incorporated Ambedkar’s ideas into their policies as much as the Modi government. On Ambedkar’s 132nd birth anniversary, the Ministry of Railways and Tourism launched the Babasaheb Ambedkar Yatra train under the initiative “Dekho Apna Desh” to promote tourism. Indian Railways allocated around 3,500 coaches to run tourist circuit trains under this scheme. The train will take passengers to Mhow, Nagpur, Sanchi, Sarnath, Gaya-Rajgir-Nalanda before returning to Delhi after eight days. The tour package includes food and lodging for passengers.
Reddy listed several pro-poor policies launched by the Centre, emphasizing Ambedkar’s ideas of ensuring the downtrodden get their rights. He spoke about the PanchTeerth established by the Prime Minister in the name of Pujya Baba Saheb, including Mhow, his birthplace, which has been converted into a historical place, and London, where he received his education. The Maharashtra government also bought Ambedkar’s house and turned it into a museum. Nagpur, where Ambedkar adopted Buddhism, has been made into a world-class memorial. His chaitya bhumi in Mumbai, where he was buried, has been upgraded for public visits, and the Ambedkar Memorial has been built at his mahaparinirvanbhoomi in Delhi.
Reddy said that the Modi government’s effort is to incorporate Ambedkar’s ideas into their governance framework and policies to help the poor. He hopes that IRCTC will provide a safe and memorable experience for passengers during the tour.