The Congress party is organizing a huge public meeting called Jai Bharat Satyagraha Sabha in Mancherial to celebrate Dr. B R Ambedkar’s birth anniversary on Friday. The meeting will be attended by AICC president Mallikarjun Kharge, who will be the chief guest. The party aims to mobilize one lakh people for the event, which will pay tribute to Ambedkar, Jyotirao Phule, and Komaram Bheem. The meeting will kick start election-related party activities in the State, and senior leaders are already on a ‘padayatra’ in districts. The party plans to expose the ‘misdeeds’ of the BRS government and BJP-led Centre in a series of programs in the coming days.
Today’s public meet in Mancherial to be graced by Mallikarjun Kharge
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