The Chief Minister of Hyderabad, K Chandrashekar Rao, is set to host a ‘Dawat-e-Iftar’ event at LB Stadium on Wednesday, which is expected to cause moderate traffic congestion from 5 pm to 9 pm. To avoid delays, the city traffic police have advised motorists to steer clear of the stretch from AR Petrol Pump to BJR Statue to Basheerbagh and vice versa. During the event, traffic will either be stopped or diverted at various locations.
According to the police, motorists coming from Chapel Road, Nampally, and intending to proceed towards BJR Statue will not be allowed and will be diverted at the AR Petrol pump towards PCR. Traffic coming from the SBI Gunfoundry side and intending to proceed towards Press Club/Basheerbagh Flyover will be diverted towards Chapel Road at SBI Gunfoundry.
Motorists coming from Ravindra Bharathi and Hill Fort road and intending to proceed towards BJR Statue will be diverted towards Sujatha High School at KLK Building, Fateh Maidan. Traffic coming from the Basheerbagh Flyover side will not be allowed to take a right turn at BJR Statue and will proceed up to SBI Gunfoundry and take a right turn towards Chapel Road.
Those travelling from Old MLA quarters towards Basheerbagh will be diverted at Old MLA Qtrs towards Himayatnagar Y Jn. Traffic coming from King Koti and Boggulakunta proceeding to Basheerbagh via Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan will be diverted at King Koti X Roads towards Tajmahal or Eden Garden. Traffic coming from Basheerbagh towards PCR will not be allowed and will be diverted at Basheerbagh towards Liberty.
It is advised for citizens to be aware of the diversions and use alternative routes to reach their desired location. Once the programme is over, the road restrictions and traffic diversions will be lifted. The police have requested commuters to cooperate with traffic police to ensure a smooth flow of traffic.