National Vice-President of the BJP, D K Aruna, along with former MP Viajayashanthi, criticized State IT Minister K T Rama Rao and questioned his mental balance. Aruna reminded Rao that Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao had promised to reopen various industries in Telangana, including Nizam Sugars, Rayans’s factory, Azam Jahi Mills, and Sirpur Khagaznagar. She accused him of not doing anything to reopen closed industries in Telangana but boasting about taking a stake in Vizag Steel. Aruna also alleged that BRS leaders were trying to cover up their shortcomings by blaming the Centre on the Bayyaram steel factory issue. She questioned how iron ore mines in Odisha and Vizag Steel in Andhra Pradesh were related to Telangana and why the Naveen Patnaik government had remained silent if there was a scam in the Bidadilla iron ore biddings. Aruna claimed that the father and son duo (KCR and KTR) was trying to divert attention from the TSPSC question paper leak case. Similarly, Vijayashanthi accused KTR of throwing mud at the Centre following the government’s failure in the TSPSC case. She criticized KTR for talking about Bailadila iron ore in Odhisa instead of delivering the electoral promise of establishing Bayyaram Steel Factory. Vijayashanthi also accused KTR of leveling baseless charges against PM Narendra Modi.
DK Aruna alleges that KTR has gone insane
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