During the match between Mumbai Indians and Delhi Capitals at Arun Jaitley Stadium, Suryakumar Yadav injured himself while trying to catch Axar Patel’s hit. It happened in the 17th over when Suryakumar seemed to be late in closing his fists to take the catch, and the ball went for a six. He was quickly attended to by the medical team and taken out of the ground, but there is no official word on his injury yet. Fans are watching the clip of the incident, which has gone viral. Former India cricketer Anil Kumble expressed concern about Suryakumar’s status, and it remains to be seen if he will come out to bat. At the time of writing, Delhi Capitals were 166 for seven in the 19th over.
“MI’s Suryakumar Yadav Suffers Injury While Trying to Catch Axar Patel – Video Footage Available”
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